Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT1B


Engelsk definition

A serotonin receptor subtype found at high levels in the BASAL GANGLIA and the frontal cortex. It plays a role as a terminal autoreceptor that regulates the rate of SEROTONIN release from nerve endings. This serotonin receptor subtype is closely related to and has similar drug binding properties as the 5-HT1D RECEPTOR. It is particularly sensitive to the agonist SUMATRIPTAN and may be involved in mediating the drug's antimigraine effect.

Svenska synonymer

Receptor, serotonin 5-HT1B

Engelska synonymer

5-HT1B Receptor 5 HT1B Receptor Receptor, 5-HT1B 5-Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptor 1B Receptor, 5-Hydroxytryptamine 5 Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptor 5-Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptors 1B Receptors, 5-Hydroxytryptamine 5 Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptors Receptors, 5-Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptor, 5-Hydroxytryptamine 1B Receptor, 5 Hydroxytryptamine 1B Serotonin 1B Receptor Receptor, Serotonin 1B 5-HT1Dbeta Receptor 5 HT1Dbeta Receptor Receptor, 5-HT1Dbeta Receptor, Serotonin Type 1Dbeta Serotonin 1Dbeta Receptors Receptors, Serotonin 1Dbeta Serotonin 1Dbeta Receptor Receptor, Serotonin 1Dbeta Serotonin 1D Beta Receptor 5-HT(1B) Receptor 5-HT(1Dbeta) Receptor