Telomeric Repeat Binding Protein 2


Engelsk definition

A ubiquitously expressed telomere-binding protein that is present at TELOMERES throughout the cell cycle. It is a suppressor of telomere elongation and may be involved in stabilization of telomere length. It is structurally different from TELOMERIC REPEAT BINDING PROTEIN 1 in that it contains basic N-terminal amino acid residues.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

TERF2 Protein Proteins, TERF2 TERF2 Proteins TRBF2 Protein Proteins, TRBF2 TRBF2 Proteins Trf2 Gene Product Gene Products, Trf2 Products, Trf2 Gene Trf2 Gene Products TRF2 Protein Proteins, TRF2 TRF2 Proteins