Brachial Plexus Neuritis


Svensk definition

Ett syndrom förknippat med inflammation i armnervnätet. Till de kliniska symtomen hör svår smärta i skulderområdet, ibland med muskelsvaghet och känselbortfall i armen. Tillståndet kan hänga samman me d virussjukdomar, immunisering, kirurgisk behandling, heroinmissbruk eller andra omständigheter. Brakialneuralgi brukar hänföras till smärta i förbindelse med armplexusskada.

Engelsk definition

A syndrome associated with inflammation of the BRACHIAL PLEXUS. Clinical features include severe pain in the shoulder region which may be accompanied by MUSCLE WEAKNESS and loss of sensation in the upper extremity. This condition may be associated with VIRUS DISEASES; IMMUNIZATION; SURGERY; heroin use (see HEROIN DEPENDENCE); and other conditions. The term brachial neuralgia generally refers to pain associated with brachial plexus injury. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1355-6)

Svenska synonymer

Cervico-brakial neuralgi Parsonage Turners syndrom Plexus brachialis neurit Neuralgisk amyotrofi

Engelska synonymer

Brachial Plexus Neuritides Neuritides, Brachial Plexus Neuritis, Brachial Plexus Parsonage-Aldren-Turner Syndrome Parsonage Aldren Turner Syndrome Syndrome, Parsonage-Aldren-Turner Shoulder Girdle Neuropathy Girdle Neuropathies, Shoulder Girdle Neuropathy, Shoulder Neuropathies, Shoulder Girdle Neuropathy, Shoulder Girdle Shoulder Girdle Neuropathies Shoulder-Girdle Neuropathy Neuropathies, Shoulder-Girdle Neuropathy, Shoulder-Girdle Shoulder-Girdle Neuropathies Brachial Neuritis Brachial Neuritides Neuritides, Brachial Neuritis, Brachial Parsonage-Turner Syndrome Parsonage Turner Syndrome Syndrome, Parsonage-Turner Neuralgia, Amyotrophic Amyotrophic Neuralgias Neuralgias, Amyotrophic Amyotrophy, Neuralgic Amyotrophies, Neuralgic Neuralgic Amyotrophies Neuralgic Amyotrophy Amyotrophic Neuralgia Hereditary Brachial Plexus Neuropathy Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophy Heredofamilial Neuritis with Brachial Plexus Predilection Brachial Plexus Neuropathy, Hereditary Amyotrophy, Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophies, Hereditary Neuralgic Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophies Neuralgic Amyotrophies, Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophy, Hereditary Amyotrophy, Hereditary Neuralgic, with Predilection for Brachial Plexus Familial Brachial Plexus Neuritis Neuritis With Brachial Predilection Brachial Neuralgia Brachial Neuralgias Neuralgia, Brachial Neuralgias, Brachial Cervico-Brachial Neuralgia Cervico Brachial Neuralgia Cervico-Brachial Neuralgias Neuralgia, Cervico-Brachial Neuralgias, Cervico-Brachial Cervicobrachial Neuralgia Cervicobrachial Neuralgias Neuralgia, Cervicobrachial Neuralgias, Cervicobrachial