Svensk definition
En sällsynt form av non-Hodgkinlymfom, med ett vanligtvis diffust mönster av både små och medelstora lymfocyter och små, delade celler. Formen utgör ca 5% av fallen av non-Hodgkinlymfom hos vuxna i USA och Europa. De flesta mantelcellslymfom är förknippade med en t(11;14)-translokering, vilket leder till förhöjt uttryck av cyklin D1-genen.
Engelsk definition
A form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma having a usually diffuse pattern with both small and medium lymphocytes and small cleaved cells. It accounts for about 5% of adult non-Hodgkin lymphomas in the United States and Europe. The majority of mantle-cell lymphomas are associated with a t(11;14) translocation resulting in overexpression of the CYCLIN D1 gene (GENES, BCL-1).
Svenska synonymer
Lymfom, mantelcell — Mantelzonlymfom
Engelska synonymer
Lymphoma, Mantle Cell — Lymphomas, Mantle-Cell — Mantle-Cell Lymphomas — Lymphoma, Lymphocytic, Diffuse, Poorly-Differentiated — Lymphoma, Small-Cell, Centrocytic — Mantle-Cell Lymphoma — Mantle Cell Lymphoma — Mantle-Zone Lymphoma — Lymphoma, Mantle-Zone — Lymphomas, Mantle-Zone — Mantle Zone Lymphoma — Mantle-Zone Lymphomas — Diffuse Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-Differentiated — Diffuse Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly Differentiated — Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Diffuse, Poorly Differentiated — Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Diffuse, Poorly-Differentiated — Lymphoma, Lymphocytic, Diffuse, Intermediate Differentiated — Lymphoma, Centrocytic Small-Cell — Centrocytic Small-Cell Lymphoma — Centrocytic Small-Cell Lymphomas — Lymphoma, Centrocytic Small Cell — Lymphomas, Centrocytic Small-Cell — Small-Cell Lymphoma, Centrocytic — Small-Cell Lymphomas, Centrocytic — Lymphoma, Lymphocytic, Intermediate