Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating

Alkylerande cellgifter

Svensk definition

En klass läkemedel som skiljer sig från andra alkylerande medel genom att ha en enda funktion, vilket hindrar dem från att korsbinda cellulära makromolekyler. De kräver metabolisk aktivering till en p rodukt med antitumörverkan och närvaro av N-metylgrupper i strukturen, vilka efter metabolisering kan modifiera cell-DNA kovalent. De enskilda preparatens verkningsmekanismer är inte helt klarlagda.

Engelsk definition

A class of drugs that differs from other alkylating agents used clinically in that they are monofunctional and thus unable to cross-link cellular macromolecules. Among their common properties are a requirement for metabolic activation to intermediates with antitumor efficacy and the presence in their chemical structures of N-methyl groups, that after metabolism, can covalently modify cellular DNA. The precise mechanisms by which each of these drugs acts to kill tumor cells are not completely understood. (From AMA, Drug Evaluations Annual, 1994, p2026)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Alkylating Antineoplastic Agents Alkylating Antineoplastic Drugs Alkylating Antineoplastics Alkylating Agents, Antineoplastic Antineoplastic Alkylating Agents Antineoplastic Drugs, Alkylating Antineoplastics, Alkylating Alkylating Drugs, Antineoplastic Antineoplastic Alkylating Drugs Drugs, Antineoplastic Alkylating