Antineoplastic Agents


Svensk definition

Medel som hämmar eller hindrar tumörtillväxt.

Engelsk definition

Substances that inhibit or prevent the proliferation of NEOPLASMS.

Svenska synonymer

Cancermedel Cancerläkemedel Antineoplastiska medel

Engelska synonymer

Agents, Antineoplastic Antitumor Agent Agent, Antitumor Antineoplastic Agent Agent, Antineoplastic Anticancer Agent Agent, Anticancer Anticancer Agents Agents, Anticancer Antineoplastic Drugs Drugs, Antineoplastic Antineoplastic Drug Drug, Antineoplastic Antineoplastic Antitumor Drug Drug, Antitumor Cancer Chemotherapy Agent Agent, Cancer Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Agent, Cancer Antineoplastics Antitumor Agents Agents, Antitumor Antitumor Drugs Drugs, Antitumor Cancer Chemotherapy Agents Agents, Cancer Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Agents, Cancer Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs Chemotherapy Drugs, Cancer Drugs, Cancer Chemotherapy Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Agents Agents, Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Drug Drug, Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Chemotherapy Drug, Cancer Drug, Cancer Chemotherapy