Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant

Multiresistent tuberkulos

Engelsk definition

Tuberculosis resistant to chemotherapy with two or more ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS, including at least ISONIAZID and RIFAMPICIN. The problem of resistance is particularly troublesome in tuberculous OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS associated with HIV INFECTIONS. It requires the use of second line drugs which are more toxic than the first line regimens. TB with isolates that have developed further resistance to at least three of the six classes of second line drugs is defined as EXTENSIVELY DRUG-RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS.

Svenska synonymer

Tuberkulos, multiresistent Läkemedelsresistent tuberkulos MDR-tuberkulos

Engelska synonymer

Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis, MDR MDR Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, Multi-Drug Resistant Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, Drug-Resistant Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, Drug Resistant