Dermatitis, Photoallergic


Svensk definition

En fördröjd överkänslighetsreaktion utlöst av reaktionen mellan solljus eller annan strålningsenergikälla och någon substans som individen tidigare exponerats och blivit känslig för (fotosensibilisator). Den manifesterar sig som papulovesikulär, eksematös eller varig dermatit på främst ljusexponerade hudytor.

Engelsk definition

A delayed hypersensitivity involving the reaction between sunlight or other radiant energy source and a chemical substance to which the individual has been previously exposed and sensitized. It manifests as a papulovesicular, eczematous, or exudative dermatitis occurring chiefly on the light-exposed areas of the skin.

Svenska synonymer

Fytofotodermatit Fotoallergiskt eksem Fotoallergisk dermatit Fotoallergi

Engelska synonymer

Dermatitides, Photoallergic Photoallergic Dermatitides Photoallergic Dermatitis Dermatitis, Contact, Photosensitive Photoallergic Contact Dermatitis Contact Dermatitides, Photoallergic Contact Dermatitis, Photoallergic Dermatitides, Photoallergic Contact Dermatitis, Photoallergic Contact Photoallergic Contact Dermatitides Dermatitis, Contact, Photoallergic Photosensitive Contact Dermatitis Contact Dermatitides, Photosensitive Contact Dermatitis, Photosensitive Dermatitides, Photosensitive Contact Dermatitis, Photosensitive Contact Photosensitive Contact Dermatitides Dermatitis, Photocontact Dermatitides, Photocontact Photocontact Dermatitides Photocontact Dermatitis Photoallergy Photoallergies