Aflatoxin M1

Aflatoxin M1

Svensk definition

6aR-cis-2,3,6a,9a-tetrahydro-9a-hydroxy-4-metoxycyklopenta(c)furo(3´,2´:4,5)furo(2,3h)(1)benzopyran-1,11-dion. Mycket giftig 4-hydroxylerad aflatoxin B1-metabolit i mjölk från kor som fått toxiskt fod er. Toxinet har mutagen, karcinogen och teratogen verkan. Det bildas genom enzymatisk hydroxylering av aflatoxin B1 med aflatoxin B1-4-hydroxylas, ett cytokrom P-450-beroende enzym.

Engelsk definition

A 4-hydroxylated metabolite of AFLATOXIN B1, one of the MYCOTOXINS from ASPERGILLUS tainted food. It is associated with LIVER damage and cancer resulting from its P450 activation to the epoxide which alkylates DNA. Toxicity depends on the balance of liver enzymes that activate it (CYTOCHROME P-450) and others that detoxify it (GLUTATHIONE S TRANSFERASE) (Pharmac Ther 50.443 1991). Primates & rat are sensitive while mouse and hamster are tolerant (Canc Res 29.236 1969).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Aflatoxin M(1) 4-Hydroxyaflatoxin B1 4 Hydroxyaflatoxin B1 Aflatoxin M1, cis(+-)-Isomer Aflatoxin M