Receptors, HIV


Svensk definition

Cellulära receptorer som binder immundefektviruset HIV, som är orsaken till AIDS. Hit hör CD4-antigener, som finns på T4-lymfocyter, och monocyter/makrofager, vilka binder till höljeproteinet gp120 på HIV.

Engelsk definition

Cellular receptors that bind the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. Included are CD4 ANTIGENS, found on T4 lymphocytes, and monocytes/macrophages, which bind to the HIV ENVELOPE PROTEIN GP120.

Svenska synonymer

Receptorer, HIV

Engelska synonymer

Receptors, HTLV-III Receptors, HTLV III Receptors, AIDS Virus Virus Receptors, AIDS HIV Receptors AIDS Virus Receptors HTLV-III Receptors HTLV III Receptors