Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Peutz-Jeghers syndrom

Svensk definition

Ärftlig sjukdom orsakad av mutationer i kromosom 19. Kännetecken: förekomsten av tarmpolyper i jejunum och mukokutan melaninfläck pigmentering på läpparna, buckal slemhinna och fingrar.

Engelsk definition

A hereditary disease caused by autosomal dominant mutations involving CHROMOSOME 19. It is characterized by the presence of INTESTINAL POLYPS, consistently in the JEJUNUM, and mucocutaneous pigmentation with MELANIN spots of the lips, buccal MUCOSA, and digits.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Peutz Jeghers Syndrome Syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers Polyposis, Hamartomatous Intestinal Hamartomatous Intestinal Polyposes Hamartomatous Intestinal Polyposis Intestinal Polyposes, Hamartomatous Intestinal Polyposis, Hamartomatous Polyposes, Hamartomatous Intestinal Peutz-Jegher's Syndrome Peutz Jegher's Syndrome Peutz-Jegher Syndrome Syndrome, Peutz-Jegher's Peutz-Jeghers Polyposis Peutz Jeghers Polyposis Polyposis, Peutz-Jeghers Periorificial Lentiginosis Syndrome Periorificial Lentiginosis Syndromes Syndrome, Periorificial Lentiginosis Syndromes, Periorificial Lentiginosis Lentiginosis, Perioral Lentiginoses, Perioral Perioral Lentiginoses Perioral Lentiginosis Polyps-and-Spots Syndrome Polyps and Spots Syndrome Polyps-and-Spots Syndromes Syndrome, Polyps-and-Spots Syndromes, Polyps-and-Spots