Nerve Growth Factors


Svensk definition

Faktorer som förstärker tillväxtförmågan hos sensoriska och sympatiska nervceller.

Engelsk definition

Factors which enhance the growth potentialities of sensory and sympathetic nerve cells.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Factors, Nerve Growth Neurotrophin Neuronotrophic Factors Factors, Neuronotrophic Neurotrophic Factor Factor, Neurotrophic Neurotrophic Factors Factors, Neurotrophic Neurotrophins Neurotrophic Proteins Neuronotrophic Factor Factor, Neuronotrophic Neurotrophic Protein Neurite Outgrowth Factors Factors, Neurite Outgrowth Outgrowth Factors, Neurite Neurite Outgrowth Factor Factor, Neurite Outgrowth Outgrowth Factor, Neurite Growth-Associated Proteins, Neuronal Growth Associated Proteins, Neuronal Proteins, Neuronal Growth-Associated Neuronal Growth-Associated Protein Growth-Associated Protein, Neuronal Neuronal Growth Associated Protein Protein, Neuronal Growth-Associated Neuronal Growth-Associated Proteins Neuronal Growth Associated Proteins