Svensk definition
Ett juridiskt begrepp med innebörden att en anklagad inte kan göras ansvarig för ett brott, om han eller hon, vid tidpunkten för den brottsliga handlingen, pga psykisk sjukdom inte kunde anses förstå eller inse det orätta i handlingen.
Engelsk definition
A legal concept that an accused is not criminally responsible if, at the time of committing the act, the person was laboring under such a defect of reason from disease of the mind as not to know the nature and quality of the act done or if the act was known, to not have known that what was done was wrong. (From Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed)
Svenska synonymer
Otillräknelig kriminell — McNaughtons regel
Engelska synonymer
Defense, Insanity — M'Naghten Rule — Rule, M'Naghten — McNaughton Rule — Rule, McNaughton — Criminal Insanity — Insanity, Criminal