Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell

Langerhan cellshistiocytos

Svensk definition

En grupp störningar i histiocytproliferationen som omfattar Letterer-Siwes sjukdom, Hand-Schueller-Christians syndrom och eosinofilt granulom. Langerhansceller ingår i den kliniska yttringen.

Engelsk definition

A group of disorders resulting from the abnormal proliferation of and tissue infiltration by LANGERHANS CELLS which can be detected by their characteristic Birbeck granules (X bodies), or by monoclonal antibody staining for their surface CD1 ANTIGENS. Langerhans-cell granulomatosis can involve a single organ, or can be a systemic disorder.

Svenska synonymer

Histiocytos X Letterer-Siwes sjukdom Hand-Schueller-Christians sjukdom

Engelska synonymer

Histiocytosis, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Generalized Generalized Histiocytoses Generalized Histiocytosis Histiocytoses, Generalized Histiocytosis-X Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Cell Histiocytoses, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Langerhans Histiocytoses, Langerhans Cell Langerhans Cell Histiocytoses Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis Cell Granulomatoses, Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis, Langerhans Granulomatoses, Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis, Langerhans Cell Langerhans Cell Granulomatoses Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis Non-Lipid Reticuloendotheliosis Non Lipid Reticuloendotheliosis Non-Lipid Reticuloendothelioses Reticuloendothelioses, Non-Lipid Reticuloendotheliosis, Non-Lipid Schueller-Christian Disease Disease, Schueller-Christian Schueller Christian Disease Systemic Aleukemic Reticuloendotheliosis Aleukemic Reticuloendothelioses, Systemic Aleukemic Reticuloendotheliosis, Systemic Reticuloendothelioses, Systemic Aleukemic Reticuloendotheliosis, Systemic Aleukemic Systemic Aleukemic Reticuloendothelioses Type 2 Histiocytosis Histiocytoses, Type 2 Histiocytosis, Type 2 Type 2 Histiocytoses Histiocytosis X Langerhans-Cell Granulomatosis Granulomatosis, Langerhans-Cell Hand-Schueller-Christian Syndrome Hand Schueller Christian Syndrome Syndrome, Hand-Schueller-Christian Hand-Schüller-Christian Syndrome Hand Schüller Christian Syndrome Syndrome, Hand-Schüller-Christian Hand-Schüller-Christian Disease Disease, Hand-Schüller-Christian Hand Schüller Christian Disease Hand-Schueller-Christian Disease Disease, Hand-Schueller-Christian Hand Schueller Christian Disease Pulmonary Histiocytosis X Histiocytosis X, Pulmonary Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis, Pulmonary Hashimoto-Pritzger Disease Disease, Hashimoto-Pritzger Diseases, Hashimoto-Pritzger Hashimoto Pritzger Disease Hashimoto-Pritzger Diseases Letterer-Siwe Disease Disease, Letterer-Siwe Letterer Siwe Disease