Hair Cells, Auditory, Inner

Hörselceller, inre

Svensk definition

Klotformade celler, medialt placerade i en rad i Cortis organ. Till skillnad från de yttre hörselcellerna (hörselhåren) är de inre hörselcellerna färre, har färre antal hörselhår och lägre grad av differentiering.

Engelsk definition

Auditory sensory cells of organ of Corti, usually placed in one row medially to the core of spongy bone (the modiolus). Inner hair cells are in fewer numbers than the OUTER AUDITORY HAIR CELLS, and their STEREOCILIA are approximately twice as thick as those of the outer hair cells.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Cochlear Inner Hair Cells Cochlear Inner Hair Cell Inner Auditory Hair Cells Inner Auditory Hair Cell Auditory Hair Cells, Inner Hair Cell, Auditory, Inner Auditory Hair Cell, Inner Inner Hair Cells Cell, Inner Hair Cells, Inner Hair Hair Cell, Inner Hair Cells, Inner Inner Hair Cell