Dipeptidyl-Peptidases and Tripeptidyl-Peptidases

Dipeptidylpeptidaser och tripeptidylpeptidaser

Svensk definition

Enzymer som avspjälkar dipeptider från polypeptiders aminoände. Dipeptidylpeptidas I, II, III och IV finns. De hydrolyserar betanaftylamiderna i glycin-arginin, lysin-alanin, arginin-arginin och glycin-prolin. EC 3.4.14.-.

Engelsk definition

A subclass of exopeptidases that includes enzymes which cleave either two or three AMINO ACIDS from the end of a peptide chain.

Svenska synonymer

Tripeptidylpeptidaser Dipeptidylpeptidaser

Engelska synonymer

Dipeptidyl Peptidases and Tripeptidyl Peptidases Tripeptidyl-Peptidases and Dipeptidyl-Peptidases Tripeptidyl-Peptidases Tripeptidyl Peptidases Tripeptidyl-Peptidase Tripeptidyl Peptidase Dipeptidyl Peptidases Dipeptidylpeptide Hydrolases Dipeptidylpeptide Hydrolase Hydrolase, Dipeptidylpeptide Dipeptidyl Peptidase Peptidase, Dipeptidyl