

Svensk definition

Smärtstillande, narkotiskt preparat (derivat av morfin) som är starkt vanebildande.

Engelsk definition

A narcotic analgesic that may be habit-forming. It is a controlled substance (opium derivative) listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 Parts 329.1, 1308.11 (1987). Sale is forbidden in the United States by Federal statute. (Merck Index, 11th ed)

Svenska synonymer

Diacetylmorfin Heroinhydroklorid

Engelska synonymer

Diacetylmorphine Diamorphine Diagesil Diamorf Min-I-Jet Morphine Sulphate Min I Jet Morphine Sulphate Heroin Hydrochloride Hydrochloride, Heroin Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride Hydrochloride, Diacetylmorphine