Carotid Artery Diseases


Svensk definition

Sjukdomar i halsens gemensamma pulsåder, den inre och den yttre halsartären. Ateroskleros och traumatiska skador är relativt vanliga orsaker till halsartärsjukdomar.

Engelsk definition

Pathological conditions involving the CAROTID ARTERIES, including the common, internal, and external carotid arteries. ATHEROSCLEROSIS and TRAUMA are relatively frequent causes of carotid artery pathology.

Svenska synonymer

Karotisartärsjukdomar Karotisateroskleros Åderförkalkning i halsartärerna

Engelska synonymer

Artery Disease, Carotid Artery Diseases, Carotid Carotid Artery Disease Carotid Artery Disorders Artery Disorder, Carotid Artery Disorders, Carotid Carotid Artery Disorder Disorders, Carotid Artery Arterial Diseases, Carotid Arterial Disease, Carotid Carotid Arterial Disease Carotid Arterial Diseases Carotid Atherosclerosis Carotid Atheroscleroses Carotid Atherosclerotic Disease Atherosclerotic Disease, Carotid Atherosclerotic Diseases, Carotid Carotid Atherosclerotic Diseases Internal Carotid Artery Diseases Arterial Diseases, Internal Carotid Internal Carotid Artery Disease Arterial Diseases, Common Carotid Common Carotid Artery Diseases Common Carotid Artery Disease External Carotid Artery Diseases Arterial Diseases, External Carotid