Bladder Exstrophy


Svensk definition

Medfödd utåtvändning av urinblåsan. Frånvaro av nedre bukväggen och främre urinblåseväggen gör att den bakre urinblåseväggen vänder utåt. Syn. exstrophia vesicae; ectopia vesicae.

Engelsk definition

A birth defect in which the URINARY BLADDER is malformed and exposed, inside out, and protruded through the ABDOMINAL WALL. It is caused by closure defects involving the top front surface of the bladder, as well as the lower abdominal wall; SKIN; MUSCLES; and the pubic bone.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Bladder Exstrophies Exstrophies, Bladder Exstrophy, Bladder Exstrophy Of Bladder Urinary Bladder Exstrophy Exstrophies, Urinary Bladder Exstrophy, Urinary Bladder Urinary Bladder Exstrophies Bladder Extrophy Bladder Extrophies Extrophies, Bladder Extrophy, Bladder Exstrophy of the Bladder