Cysteine Loop Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Receptors


Engelsk definition

A subfamily of ligand-gated ion channel receptors that share a characteristic loop which is formed by a disulfide bond between two CYSTEINE residues. These receptors typically contain five subunits with the cysteine-loop occurring near an N-terminal extracellular domain.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Cysteine Loop Ligand Gated Ion Channel Receptors Cys-Loop Receptors Cys Loop Receptors Receptors, Cys-Loop Cys-Loop Receptor Superfamily Cys Loop Receptor Superfamily Receptor Superfamily, Cys-Loop Superfamily, Cys-Loop Receptor Cys-Loop Receptor Cys Loop Receptor Receptor, Cys-Loop Cysteine Loop Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Receptor Cysteine Loop Ligand Gated Ion Channel Receptor