Ichthyosis Bullosa of Siemens

Ichthyosis bullosa Siemens

Engelsk definition

An autosomal dominant form of ichthyosis characterized by generalized reddening of the skin (ERYTHEMA) and widespread blistering. The disease shows similar, but somewhat milder, clinical and histopathological findings to those in HYPERKERATOSIS, EPIDERMOLYTIC and is associated with the gene that encodes KERATIN-2A.

Svenska synonymer

Iktyos, bullös

Engelska synonymer

Siemens Ichthyosis Bullosa Ichthyosis, Bullous Type Bullous Type Ichthyoses Bullous Type Ichthyosis Ichthyoses, Bullous Type Bullous Type of Ichthyosis Ichthyosis Bullous Type Ichthyosis, Bullous Type of Siemens