Caspase 2


Engelsk definition

A long pro-domain caspase that contains a caspase recruitment domain in its pro-domain region. Activation of this enzyme can occur via the interaction of its caspase recruitment domain with CARD SIGNALING ADAPTOR PROTEINS. Caspase 2 plays a role in APOPTOSIS by cleaving and activating effector pro-caspases. Several isoforms of this protein exist due to multiple alternative splicing of its MESSENGER RNA.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

ICH-1 Protease ICH 1 Protease Caspase-2 Procaspase-2 Procaspase 2 Pro-Caspase-2 Pro Caspase 2 Caspase 2 Subunit p18 Caspase 2 Subunit p12 Caspase 2 Subunit p13