Receptors, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

Receptorer, vaskulär endotelcellstillväxtfaktor

Engelsk definition

A family of closely related RECEPTOR PROTEIN-TYROSINE KINASES that bind vascular endothelial growth factors. They share a cluster of seven extracellular IG-LIKE DOMAINS which are important for ligand binding. They are highly expressed in vascular endothelial cells and are critical for the physiological and pathological growth, development and maintenance of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Receptor, Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor Receptor, Vascular Permeability Factor VEGF Receptors Receptors, VEGF Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor Receptor VPF Receptor Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor VEGF Receptor Vascular Permeability Factor Receptor Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Receptor, Endothelial Growth Factors