Chromosomes, Artificial, P1 Bacteriophage

Bakteriofag P1-kromosomer, artificiella

Svensk definition

DNA-konstruktioner som byggs med hjälp av DNA från bakteriofag P1. Dessa kan bära stora mängder (100-300 kb) andra sekvenser avsedda för ett antal olika biotekniska ändamål.

Engelsk definition

DNA constructs that are derived from the DNA of BACTERIOPHAGE P1. They can carry large amounts (about 100-300 kilobases) of other sequence for a variety of bioengineering purposes.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

P1-Derived Artificial Chromosomes Artificial Chromosome, P1-Derived Artificial Chromosomes, P1-Derived Chromosome, P1-Derived Artificial Chromosomes, P1-Derived Artificial P1 Derived Artificial Chromosomes P1-Derived Artificial Chromosome Artificial Chromosomes, P1 Bacteriophage Bacteriophage P1 Artificial Chromosomes PAC (Chromosome) PACs (Chromosomes) Chromosomes, P1 Bacteriophage Artificial P1 Bacteriophage Artificial Chromosomes