Cell Surface Extensions


Svensk definition

Specialiserade cellstrukturer som tänjer ut cellhöljet och skjuter ut från cellytan.

Engelsk definition

Specialized structures of the cell that extend the cell membrane and project out from the cell surface.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Cell Surface Extension Extension, Cell Surface Extensions, Cell Surface Surface Extension, Cell Surface Extensions, Cell Cell Membrane Protrusions Cell Membrane Protrusion Membrane Protrusion, Cell Membrane Protrusions, Cell Protrusion, Cell Membrane Protrusions, Cell Membrane Cellular Protrusions Cellular Protrusion Protrusion, Cellular Protrusions, Cellular Cell Membrane Extensions Cell Membrane Extension Extension, Cell Membrane Extensions, Cell Membrane Membrane Extension, Cell Membrane Extensions, Cell Cell Surface Protrusions Cell Surface Protrusion Protrusion, Cell Surface Protrusions, Cell Surface Surface Protrusion, Cell Surface Protrusions, Cell Cell Membrane Projections Cell Membrane Projection Membrane Projection, Cell Membrane Projections, Cell Projection, Cell Membrane Projections, Cell Membrane Cell Surface Projections Cell Surface Projection Projection, Cell Surface Projections, Cell Surface Surface Projection, Cell Surface Projections, Cell