Calcium Channels, P-Type

Kalciumkanaler, P-typ

Svensk definition

Kalciumkanaler inom Purkinjes celler i lillhjärnan. De är inblandade i stimulering av nervcellernas sekretion.

Engelsk definition

CALCIUM CHANNELS located within the PURKINJE CELLS of the cerebellum. They are involved in stimulation-secretion coupling of neurons.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Calcium Channels, P Type Channels, P-Type Calcium P-Type Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels P Type Voltage Dependent Calcium Channels Purkinje-Type Calcium Channels Calcium Channels, Purkinje-Type Channels, Purkinje-Type Calcium Purkinje Type Calcium Channels P-Type Calcium Channel Calcium Channel, P-Type Channel, P-Type Calcium P Type Calcium Channel P-Type VDCC P Type VDCC VDCC, P-Type P-Type Calcium Channels P Type Calcium Channels