

Engelsk definition

Large mass of nuclei forming the most caudal portion of the THALAMUS and overhanging the GENICULATE BODIES and the dorsolateral surface of the MIDBRAIN. It is divided into four parts: the lateral, medial, inferior, and oral pulvinar nuclei.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Pulvinars Pulvinar Thalamus Pulvinar Thalami Thalami, Pulvinar Thalamus, Pulvinar Nucleus Pulvinaris Nucleus Pulvinari Pulvinari, Nucleus Pulvinaris, Nucleus Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Pulvinar Oral Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Oral Pulvinar Pulvinar Nucleus, Oral Anterior Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Anterior Pulvinar Pulvinar Nucleus, Anterior Medial Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Medial Pulvinar Pulvinar Nucleus, Medial Inferior Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Inferior Pulvinar Pulvinar Nucleus, Inferior Lateral Pulvinar Nucleus Nucleus, Lateral Pulvinar Pulvinar Nucleus, Lateral