Lateral Thalamic Nuclei

Laterala talamuskärnor

Svensk definition

En smal strimma av grupperade celler på talamus dorsomediala yta. Den utgörs av den dorsal sidokärnan, den bakre sidokärnan och pulvinarkärnorna.

Engelsk definition

A narrow strip of cell groups on the dorsomedial surface of the thalamus. It includes the lateral dorsal nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus, and the PULVINAR.

Svenska synonymer

Nuclei thalami lateralis Nuclei dorsales thalami

Engelska synonymer

Nuclei, Lateral Thalamic Nucleus, Lateral Thalamic Thalamic Nuclei, Lateral Lateral Nucleus Of Thalamus Lateral Nuclear Group Nuclear Group, Lateral Lateral Posterior Thalamic Nucleus Nucleus Lateralis Posterior Lateralis Posterior, Nucleus Lateralis Posteriors, Nucleus Nucleus Lateralis Posteriors Posterior, Nucleus Lateralis Posteriors, Nucleus Lateralis Lateral Posterior Nucleus Of The Thalamus Lateral Posterior Nucleus Nucleus, Lateral Posterior Lateral Dorsal Thalamic Nucleus Laterodorsal Thalamic Nucleus Nucleus, Laterodorsal Thalamic Thalamic Nucleus, Laterodorsal Lateral Dorsal Nucleus Nucleus, Lateral Dorsal