Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-sis

Proto-onkogenproteiner c-sis

Engelsk definition

Cellular DNA-binding proteins encoded by the sis gene (GENES, SIS). c-sis proteins make up the B chain of PLATELET-DERIVED GROWTH FACTOR. Overexpression of c-sis causes tumorigenesis.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Proto Oncogene Proteins c sis PDGFB Platelet-Derived Growth Factor B Platelet Derived Growth Factor B Proto-Oncogene Protein sis Proto Oncogene Protein sis sis, Proto-Oncogene Protein Proto-Oncogene Proteins sis Proto Oncogene Proteins sis sis, Proto-Oncogene Proteins sis Proto-Oncogene Proteins Proto-Oncogene Proteins, sis sis Proto Oncogene Proteins c-sis Proteins c sis Proteins Proto-Oncogene Products c-sis Proto Oncogene Products c sis