Cytochrome P-450 CYP11B2

Cytokrom P-450 CYP11B2

Svensk definition

Ett flerfunktionsmitokondrieenzym tillhörande gruppen cytokrom P450-enzym som katalyserar omvandlingen av kortikosteron till 18-hydroxikortikosteron och den därpå följande konverteringen av 18-hydroxikortikosteron till aldosteron. EC 1.14.99.-.

Engelsk definition

A mitochondrial cytochrome P450 enzyme that catalyzes the 18-hydroxylation of steroids in the presence of molecular oxygen and NADPH-specific flavoprotein. This enzyme, encoded by CYP11B2 gene, is important in the conversion of CORTICOSTERONE to 18-hydroxycorticosterone and the subsequent conversion to ALDOSTERONE.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Cytochrome P 450 CYP11B2 P450c11AS Steroid 18-Hydroxylase Steroid 18 Hydroxylase Aldosterone Synthase Cytochrome P-450c11AS Cytochrome P 450c11AS Aldosynthase Cytochrome P450Aldo CYP 11B2 Cytochrome P450 11B2 CYP11B2 Aldosterone Synthase Cytochrome P-450 Corticosterone 18-monooxygenase 18-monooxygenase, Corticosterone Corticosterone 18 monooxygenase Corticosterone 18-hydroxylase 18-hydroxylase, Corticosterone Corticosterone 18 hydroxylase