Contact Tracing


Svensk definition

Identifiering av personer eller djur som haft sådan kontakt med smittad person, smittat djur eller smittsam miljö att de haft tillfälla att bli infekterade. Smittspårning är en vedertagen metod för kontroll av sexuellt överförda sjukdomar.

Engelsk definition

Identification of those persons (or animals) who have had such an association with an infected person, animal, or contaminated environment as to have had the opportunity to acquire the infection.

Svenska synonymer

Kontaktspårning Partnerspårning Partnermeddelande

Engelska synonymer

Tracing, Contact Communicable Disease Contact Tracing Contact Investigation Investigation, Contact Contact Screening Screening, Contact Infectious Disease Contact Tracing Notification, Partner Partner Notifications Partner Notification Index Case Epidemiology Epidemiology, Index Case Index Patient Epidemiology Epidemiology, Index Patient Patient Zero Epidemiology Epidemiology, Patient Zero Close Contact Epidemiology Epidemiology, Close Contact Person Under Investigation Epidemiology PUI Epidemiology Epidemiology, PUI