Factor VIIIa

Faktor VIIIa

Svensk definition

Den aktiverade formen av faktor VIII. B-domänen i faktor VIII spjälkas proteolytiskt med trombin till att bilda faktor VIIIa. Faktor VIIIa uppträder som en icke-kovalent dimer i ett metallbundet (sannolikt kalcium) komplex och verkar som kofaktor vid den enzymatiska aktiveringen av faktor X med faktor IXa. Faktor VIIIa påminner till struktur och uppkomst om faktor Va.

Engelsk definition

Activated form of factor VIII. The B-domain of factor VIII is proteolytically cleaved by thrombin to form factor VIIIa. Factor VIIIa exists as a non-covalent dimer in a metal-linked (probably calcium) complex and functions as a cofactor in the enzymatic activation of factor X by factor IXa. Factor VIIIa is similar in structure and generation to factor Va.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Factor Eight A Blood Coagulation Factor VIII, Activated Coagulation Factor VIIIa Factor VIIIa, Coagulation Factor VIII, Thrombin-Activated Factor VIII, Thrombin Activated Thrombin-Activated Factor VIII Factor 8A Factor VIII, Activated Activated Factor VIII Factor VIIIa Heavy Chain, 92 kDa Isoform Factor VIIIa Light Chain Factor VIIIa Heavy Chain, 200 kDa Isoform