Herpesvirus 6, Human

Humant herpesvirus 6

Svensk definition

Typarten av Roseolovirus, isolerad från patienter med AIDS och andra lymfoproliferativa sjukdomar. Viruset infekterar och replikerar i färska stammar av hematopoetiska celler och celler från nervsystemet. Det tycks även ändra aktiviteten hos naturliga mördarceller. Halten av antikroppar mot HHV-6 är stegrad hos patienter med AIDS, Sjögrens syndrom, sarkoidos, kroniskt trötthetssyndrom och vissa tumörsjukdomar. HHV-6 ger upphov till exanthema subitum (plötsligt hudutslag) och kan vara förknippat med hjärninflammation.

Engelsk definition

Members of the ROSEOLOVIRUS genus of the Betaherpesvirales subfamily isolated from patients with AIDS and other LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS. It infects and replicates in fresh and established lines of hematopoietic cells and cells of neural origin. It also appears to alter the activity of NK CELLS. HHV-6; (HBLV) antibodies are elevated in patients with AIDS; SJOGREN'S SYNDROME; SARCOIDOSIS; CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, and certain malignancies. HHV-6A is the most common cause of EXANTHEMA SUBITUM and has been implicated in encephalitis. When HHV-6 integrates into the host genome it is referred to as ciHVH-6. When such VIRUS INTEGRATION occurs into the germline it is referred to as iciHHV-6.

Svenska synonymer

HHV-6 Humant herpesvirus 6B Humant herpesvirus 6A

Engelska synonymer

HHV-6 Human betaherpesvirus 6 Human betaherpesvirus 6s HHV6 Human Herpesvirus 6 HBLV Human B-Lymphotropic Virus B-Lymphotropic Virus, Human B-Lymphotropic Viruses, Human Human B Lymphotropic Virus Human B-Lymphotropic Viruses Herpesvirus 6B, Human Human Herpesvirus 6B Human betaherpesvirus 6B HHV6B HHV-6B Herpesvirus 6A, Human Human Herpesvirus 6A Human betaherpesvirus 6A HHV6A HHV-6A Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6A iciHHV6A iciHHV-6A Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6A ciHHV6A ciHHV-6A Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6B ciHHV6B ciHHV-6B Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 iciHHV-6 iciHHV6 Inherited Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6B iciHHV6B iciHHV-6B Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 ciHHV6 ciHHV-6