Vascular Resistance


Svensk definition

Den kraft som motverkar blodflödet i en kärlbädd. Den är lika med skillnaden i blodtryck över kärlbädden delad med hjärtminutvolymen.

Engelsk definition

The force that opposes the flow of BLOOD through a vascular bed. It is equal to the difference in BLOOD PRESSURE across the vascular bed divided by the CARDIAC OUTPUT.

Svenska synonymer

Kärlresistens Vaskulär resistens Pulmonell vaskulär resistans Pulmonellt kärlmotstånd Total perifer resistans Totalt perifert motstånd Perifert kärlmotstånd

Engelska synonymer

Resistance, Vascular Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Resistance, Pulmonary Vascular Vascular Resistance, Pulmonary Total Peripheral Resistance Peripheral Resistance, Total Resistance, Total Peripheral Systemic Vascular Resistance Resistance, Systemic Vascular Vascular Resistance, Systemic Peripheral Resistance Resistance, Peripheral