Phospholipid Ethers


Svensk definition

Fosfolipider som har en alkoholdel med eterbindning till en mättad eller omättad alifatisk alkohol. De är för det mesta derivat av fosfoglyceroler eller fosfatidater. De två övriga alkoholgrupperna i glycerolbasen har vanligtvis esterbindning. Dessa föreningar har stor utbredning i djurvävnader.

Engelsk definition

Phospholipids which have an alcohol moiety in ethereal linkage with a saturated or unsaturated aliphatic alcohol. They are usually derivatives of phosphoglycerols or phosphatidates. The other two alcohol groups of the glycerol backbone are usually in ester linkage. These compounds are widely distributed in animal tissues.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Ethers, Phospholipid Glycerophosphate Ethers Ethers, Glycerophosphate Glycerol Phosphate Ethers Ethers, Glycerol Phosphate Phosphate Ethers, Glycerol Ether Phosphatidates Phosphatidates, Ether Ether Phospholipids Phospholipids, Ether 1-Alkyl-2-Acylphosphatidates 1 Alkyl 2 Acylphosphatidates