Periapical Abscess

Periapikal abscess

Svensk definition

Akut eller kronisk inflammation i vävnader kring den apikala delen av tanden, med ansamling av var och som resultat av pulpainfektion .

Engelsk definition

Acute or chronic inflammation of tissues surrounding the apical portion of a tooth, associated with the collection of pus, resulting from infection following pulp infection through a carious lesion or as a result of an injury causing pulp necrosis. (Dorland, 27th ed)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Periodontitis, Apical, Suppurative Abscess, Periapical Abscesses, Periapical Periapical Abscesses Periapical Periodontitis, Suppurative Periapical Periodontitides, Suppurative Periodontitides, Suppurative Periapical Periodontitis, Suppurative Periapical Suppurative Periapical Periodontitides Suppurative Periapical Periodontitis Alveolar Abscess, Apical Abscess, Apical Alveolar Abscesses, Apical Alveolar Alveolar Abscesses, Apical Apical Alveolar Abscess Apical Alveolar Abscesses Dentoalveolar Abscess, Apical Abscess, Apical Dentoalveolar Abscesses, Apical Dentoalveolar Apical Dentoalveolar Abscess Apical Dentoalveolar Abscesses Dentoalveolar Abscesses, Apical