L Cells


Svensk definition

En odlad stam C3H-musfibroblaster som inte fäster på varandra och inte sänder ut kadheriner.

Engelsk definition

A cultured line of C3H mouse FIBROBLASTS that do not adhere to one another and do not express CADHERINS.

Svenska synonymer

L-celler (Celllinje)

Engelska synonymer

Cell, L Cells, L L Cell L Cell Line Cell Line, L Cell Lines, L L Cell Lines Strain L Cells Cell, Strain L Cells, Strain L L Cell, Strain L Cells, Strain Strain L Cell L-Cells, Cell Line Cell Line L-Cell Cell Line L-Cells L Cells, Cell Line L-Cell, Cell Line L Cells (Cell Line) Cell, L (Cell Line) Cells, L (Cell Line) L Cell (Cell Line) Earle's Strain L Cells L-Cells L-Cell L-Cell Line L-Cell Lines L929 Cells Cell, L929 Cells, L929 L929 Cell NCTC Clone 929 of Strain L Cells NCTC Clone 929 Cells L929 Cell Line Cell Line, L929