

Svensk definition

Vetenskapen eller filosofin om lag och rätt; även tillämpningen av lag och rättsordning inom hälso- och sjukvård och medicin.

Engelsk definition

The science or philosophy of law. Also, the application of the principles of law and justice to health and medicine.

Svenska synonymer

Juridik Domstolsbeslut Legala aspekt Lagar Statliga intressen Legal status Konstitutionella lagar Rättsliga förpliktelser

Engelska synonymer

Legal Aspects Aspect, Legal Aspects, Legal Legal Aspect Court Decision Court Decisions Decision, Court Decisions, Court Law Laws State Interest Interest, State Interests, State State Interests Legal Status Status, Legal Litigation Litigations Medical Jurisprudence Jurisprudence, Medical Constitutional Law Constitutional Laws Law, Constitutional Laws, Constitutional Legal Obligations Legal Obligation Obligation, Legal Obligations, Legal