Immunologic Capping

Immunologisk capping

Svensk definition

Den process som innebär att lymfcellers ytliga immunglobulinreceptorer, sedan de exponerats för bivalenta anti-Ig-antikroppar, ansamlas i form av hättor vid cellens ena pol. Dessa hättor kan antingen endocyteras eller avges till cellens omgivning i form av antigen-antikroppkomplex. "Capping" igångsätts även av lektiner och antigen.

Engelsk definition

An energy dependent process following the crosslinking of B CELL ANTIGEN RECEPTORS by multivalent ligands (bivalent anti-antibodies, LECTINS or ANTIGENS), on the B-cell surface. The crosslinked ligand-antigen receptor complexes collect in patches which flow to and aggregate at one pole of the cell to form a large mass - the cap. The caps may then be endocytosed or shed into the environment.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Immunological Capping Capping, Immunological Capping, Immunologic