Svensk definition
Stora, godartade, hyperplastiska lymfknutor. Den vanligare, hyalina kärlrika typen kännetecknas av små, hyalina kärlfolliklar och interfollikulär kapillärtillväxt. Plasmaceller är ofta närvarande och representerar en annan subtyp med IgM och IgA i plasmacellerna.
Engelsk definition
Large benign, hyperplastic lymph nodes. The more common hyaline vascular subtype is characterized by small hyaline vascular follicles and interfollicular capillary proliferations. Plasma cells are often present and represent another subtype with the plasma cells containing IgM and IMMUNOGLOBULIN A.
Svenska synonymer
Angiofollikulär lymfoid hyperplasi — Castlemans tumör
Engelska synonymer
Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia — Angiofollicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia — Angiofollicular Lymphoid Hyperplasias — Hyperplasia, Angiofollicular Lymphoid — Lymphoid Hyperplasia, Angiofollicular — Castleman's Disease — Castleman's Tumor — Castlemans Tumor — Castleman Tumor — Tumor, Castleman's — Hyperplasia, Giant Lymph Node — Lymph Node Hyperplasia, Giant — Angiofollicular Lymph Hyperplasia — Angiofollicular Lymph Hyperplasias — Hyperplasia, Angiofollicular Lymph — Lymph Hyperplasia, Angiofollicular — Castlemans Disease — Disease, Castlemans — Angiofollicular Lymph Node Hyperplasia