Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome

Ellis-Van Crevelds syndrom

Svensk definition

Dvärgväxt i kombination med bristande utveckling av hud, hår och tänder, polydaktyli och septumdefekt i hjärtat.

Engelsk definition

Dwarfism occurring in association with defective development of skin, hair, and teeth, polydactyly, and defect of the cardiac septum. (Dorland, 27th ed)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Ellis Van Creveld Syndrome Syndrome, Ellis-Van Creveld Ellis-Van Creveld Dysplasia Dysplasia, Ellis-Van Creveld Ellis Van Creveld Dysplasia Mesoectodermal Dysplasia Dysplasia, Mesoectodermal Mesoectodermal Dysplasias Chondroectodermal Dysplasia Chondroectodermal Dysplasias Dysplasia, Chondroectodermal