Duane Retraction Syndrome

Duanes retraktionssyndrom

Svensk definition

Ett syndrom kännetecknat av en avsevärd begränsning av ögats abduktionsförmåga, varierande begränsning av ögats adduktion och retraktion, samt hopdragning av ögonspringan vid adduktionsförsök. Tillståndet beror på avvikande nervförsörjning till musculus rectus lateralis från den okulomotoriska nerven.

Engelsk definition

A syndrome characterized by marked limitation of abduction of the eye, variable limitation of adduction and retraction of the globe, and narrowing of the palpebral fissure on attempted adduction. The condition is caused by aberrant innervation of the lateral rectus by fibers of the OCULOMOTOR NERVE.

Svenska synonymer

Okulär retraktionssyndrom Duanes syndrom Stilling-Turk-Duane syndrom Okihiro syndrom

Engelska synonymer

Retraction Syndrome, Duane Syndrome, Duane Retraction Co-Contractive Retraction Syndrome Co Contractive Retraction Syndrome Co-Contractive Retraction Syndromes Retraction Syndrome, Co-Contractive Duane Anomaly, Isolated Anomaly, Isolated Duane Duane Anomalies, Isolated Isolated Duane Anomalies Isolated Duane Anomaly Stilling-Turk-Duane Syndrome Stilling Turk Duane Syndrome Stilling-Turk-Duane Syndromes Duane's Syndrome Duanes Syndrome Syndrome, Duane's Ocular Retraction Syndrome Ocular Retraction Syndromes Retraction Syndrome, Ocular Syndrome, Ocular Retraction Duane Syndrome Syndrome, Duane Duane Anomaly Anomaly, Duane Retraction Syndrome Retraction Syndromes Isolated Duane Retraction Syndrome Duane Retraction Syndrome, Type 3 Type 3 Duane Retraction Syndrome Duane Anomaly with Radial Ray Abnormalities and Deafness Duane Retraction Syndrome, Type 2 Type 2 Duane Retraction Syndrome Duane Retraction Syndrome 2 Duane Retraction Syndrome, Type 1 Type 1 Duane Retraction Syndrome Duane Retraction Syndrome 1 Okihiro Syndrome Syndrome, Okihiro Duane Anomaly with Radial Abnormalities and Deafness Duane-Radial Ray Syndrome Duane Radial Ray Syndrome Syndrome, Duane-Radial Ray Acrorenoocular Syndrome Acrorenoocular Syndromes Syndrome, Acrorenoocular