Cytotoxicity Tests, Immunologic

Immunologiska cytotoxicitetstester

Svensk definition

Metoder för påvisande av den celltoxiska effekten av en lymfocyt, en lymfocytprodukt, antikropp eller komplement på en målcell.

Engelsk definition

The demonstration of the cytotoxic effect on a target cell of a lymphocyte, a mediator released by a sensitized lymphocyte, an antibody, or complement.

Svenska synonymer

Cytotoxicitetstester, immunologiska

Engelska synonymer

Cytotoxicity Tests, Immunological Cytotoxicity Test, Immunological Immunological Cytotoxicity Test Immunological Cytotoxicity Tests Immunologic Cytotoxicity Tests Cytotoxicity Test, Immunologic Immunologic Cytotoxicity Test Lymphocytotoxicity Tests, Antiglobulin-Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Tests, Antiglobulin Augmented Antiglobulin-Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Tests Antiglobulin Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Tests Lymphocytotoxicity Test, Antiglobulin-Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Test, Antiglobulin Augmented Antiglobulin-Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Test Antiglobulin Augmented Lymphocytotoxicity Test Microcytotoxicity Test Microcytotoxicity Tests Anti-Human Globulin Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Tests Anti Human Globulin Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity Tests Cytotoxicity Tests, Anti-Human Globulin Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Tests, Anti Human Globulin Complement Dependent AHG-CDC Tests AHG CDC Tests AHG-CDC Test Anti-Human Globulin Complement-Dependent Cytotoxicity Test Anti Human Globulin Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity Test