

Svensk definition

Förlust (helt eller delvis) av förmågan att tala eller att formulera sina tankar i meningsfulla ord, eller att förstå innebörden i ord eller skrift. Tillståndet beror på sjukdom eller skada som drabbar språkområdena i den dominanta hjärnhalvan. Utifrån kliniska kännetecken kan tillståndet klassificeras i olika undertyper. Huvudkategorierna är receptiv, expressiv och blandad afasi.

Engelsk definition

A cognitive disorder marked by an impaired ability to comprehend or express language in its written or spoken form. This condition is caused by diseases which affect the language areas of the dominant hemisphere. Clinical features are used to classify the various subtypes of this condition. General categories include receptive, expressive, and mixed forms of aphasia.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Alogia Alogias Logasthenia Logasthenias Logagnosia Logagnosias Logamnesia Logamnesias Word Deafness Deafness, Word Anepia Anepias Aphasia, Semantic Semantic Aphasia Semantic Aphasias Aphasia, Syntactical Syntactical Aphasia Syntactical Aphasias Aphasia, Progressive Progressive Aphasia Progressive Aphasias Aphasia, Acquired Acquired Aphasia Aphasia, Ageusic Ageusic Aphasia Ageusic Aphasias Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory Aphasia, Commisural Aphasias, Commisural Commisural Aphasia Commisural Aphasias Aphasia, Functional Functional Aphasia Functional Aphasias Aphasia, Global Global Aphasia Global Aphasias Dysphasia, Global Global Dysphasia Global Dysphasias Aphasia, Graphomotor Graphomotor Aphasia Graphomotor Aphasias Aphasia, Intellectual Intellectual Aphasia Intellectual Aphasias Aphasia, Mixed Mixed Aphasia Mixed Aphasias Aphasia, Post-Ictal Aphasia, Post Ictal Post-Ictal Aphasia Post-Ictal Aphasias Aphasia, Post-Traumatic Aphasia, Post Traumatic Post-Traumatic Aphasia Post-Traumatic Aphasias Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim Lichtheim's Sign Lichtheim Sign Lichtheims Sign Sign, Lichtheim's Dysphasia