Antibody-Producing Cells

Antikroppsproducerande celler

Svensk definition

Lymfoida celler som kan reagera med antigen så att specifika cellprodukter, kallade antikroppar, bildas. Olika undergrupper av celler, ofta B-lymfocyter, kan särskiljas, utifrån de olika immunglobulin klasser de ger upphov till.

Engelsk definition

Cells of the lymphoid series that can react with antigen to produce specific cell products called antibodies. Various cell subpopulations, often B-lymphocytes, can be defined, based on the different classes of immunoglobulins that they synthesize.

Svenska synonymer

Immunglobulinproducerande celler Antikroppsutsöndrande celler

Engelska synonymer

Antibody Producing Cells Antibody-Producing Cell Antibody Producing Cell Cell, Antibody-Producing Cells, Antibody-Producing Immunoglobulin-Producing Cells Cell, Immunoglobulin-Producing Cells, Immunoglobulin-Producing Immunoglobulin-Producing Cell Immunoglobulin Producing Cells Antibody-Secreting Cells Antibody Secreting Cells Antibody-Secreting Cell Antibody Secreting Cell Cell, Antibody-Secreting Cells, Antibody-Secreting Immunoglobulin-Secreting Cells Cell, Immunoglobulin-Secreting Cells, Immunoglobulin-Secreting Immunoglobulin-Secreting Cell Immunoglobulin Secreting Cells