

Engelsk definition

Class of Arthropoda in the subphylum Myriapoda which comprises centipedes and millipedes. Chilopoda or centipedes are characterized by long multi-segmented bodies with each segment with a pair of legs. Most centipedes are predatory and venomous. While centipede bites typically only cause pain, irritation and allergic reactions they sometimes cause acute HYPERTENSION and MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Centipedes Centipede Geophilomorpha Geophilids Geophilid Scolopendra Scolopendrids Scolopendrid Scolopendrid Centipedes Centipede, Scolopendrid Centipedes, Scolopendrid Scolopendrid Centipede