Angiopoietin-like Proteins

Angiopoietin-liknande proteiner

Engelsk definition

A family of proteins that is structurally similar to ANGIOPOIETINS but do not bind angiopoietin receptors. They are characterized by an amino-terminal coiled-coil domain, a linker region, and a carboxy-terminal FIBRINOGEN-like domain with the exception of ANGPTL8, which lacks the fibrinogen-like domain. They function in a variety of developmental and physiological processes, including INFLAMMATION, lipid metabolism, hematopoietic stem cell activity, and cancer metastasis.

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Engelska synonymer

Angiopoietin like Proteins Angiopoietin-like Protein Angiopoietin like Protein Angiopoietin-related Protein Angiopoietin related Protein