High-Temperature Requirement A Serine Peptidase 2

Engelsk definition

A serine peptidase that contains a C-terminal PDZ domain. It localizes to the mitochondrial membrane and intermembrane space, translocating to the cytoplasm following APOPTOSIS stimuli, such as UV irradiation; it promotes cell death by binding to and inhibiting INHIBITOR OF APOPTOSIS PROTEINS, resulting in an increase in activity of CASPASES. Mutations in the HTRA2 gene are associated with Type 13 PARKINSON DISEASE.

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Engelska synonymer

High Temperature Requirement A Serine Peptidase 2 Serine Protease HTRA2 HTRA2, Serine Protease Protease HTRA2, Serine Serine Protease Omi Omi, Serine Protease Protease Omi, Serine HtrA2 Protease Protease, HtrA2 HtrA Serine Peptidase 2 Omi Serine Protease Protease, Omi Serine Serine Protease, Omi