WD40 Repeats

WD40 upprepning

Engelsk definition

Protein interaction motifs of approximately 40 amino acids that usually terminate in TRYPTOPHAN and ASPARTIC ACID. They form characteristic beta-propeller structures and occur in many eukaryotic proteins that function in a variety of cellular processes. Proteins that contain WD40 repeats often function as assembly platforms for MULTIPROTEIN COMPLEXES.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Repeat, WD40 Repeats, WD40 WD40 Motif Motif, WD40 Motifs, WD40 WD40 Motifs beta-Transducin Repeats Repeat, beta-Transducin Repeats, beta-Transducin beta Transducin Repeats beta-Transducin Repeat WD40 Repeat WD Repeats Repeat, WD Repeats, WD WD Repeat