Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Inhibition Motif

Engelsk definition

A conserved AMINO ACID SEQUENCE located in the intracellular domains of a family of transmembrane proteins that negatively regulate the signal transduction processes emanating from transmembrane proteins containing IMMUNORECEPTOR TYROSINE-BASED ACTIVATION MOTIFS. The CONSENSUS SEQUENCE of this motif is I(or V)LXYXXL(or V) (where X denotes any amino acid). Also known as ITIM motifs.

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Engelska synonymer

Immunoreceptor Tyrosine Based Inhibition Motif Immune Receptor Tyrosine-Based Inhibition Motif Immune Receptor Tyrosine Based Inhibition Motif Immuno-Receptor Tyrosine-Based Inhibition Motif Immuno Receptor Tyrosine Based Inhibition Motif